Meta Pixel

Meta Pixel

By Ucraft
See how people interact with your website and Facebook ads with Meta Pixel. This free tool helps you understand how people use your website, and what they do after clicking on your Facebook ads. You can use it to target the right people, show products your users are interested in, evaluate ad success, and more.

Benefits of Meta Pixel

Custom Audiences

Create custom audiences based on user interactions with your website, and target these audiences with tailored ads, making your advertising more relevant and more cost-effective.

Dynamic Ads

If you’re in eCommerce, use Pixel data to create dynamic ads that automatically show the most relevant products to users who have visited your site, viewed specific products, or abandoned a shopping cart.

Conversion Tracking

Measure the ROI (Return on Investment) of your Facebook advertising campaigns by effortlessly tracking the specific actions that users take on your website after clicking on a Facebook ad. These actions can include making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or completing a lead form.
Conversion Boost with Accurate Data
Boost conversions by collecting accurate information and fine-tuning your advertising campaigns.